New info post about CTC
Created at 2023-06-29 05:04 (Updated at 2023-06-29 05:07) by Bronislav Robenek
Juanmi Costa wrote on iR forum New info post about CTC CTC doc
I have been wanting to bring back the pinned post in the old forum for some time, it wasn't until about a week ago that I was talking with Barry West that we got down to work to make a post with more updated and better detailed information about the CTC, as the post on the old forum had become a bit outdated.
We have used Frank Herfjord's post as a template, including new information as well as some help for newcomers. As I was talking with Keith and Gernot by the time of making it, they also helped to clarify some of the paragraphs and explanations.
This is what we've got so far. Please feel free to leave a comment here or on the doc (it's open for comments) if you think something should be changed or added. I will wait at least a week or two before posting the new thread so there will be enough time for all CTC drivers to take a look at it, and non-CTC drivers are also welcome to give feedback!
Thanks to all of you who can take the time to read it, remember that this has been done thanks to @Barry West , without him I don't think I would have ever bothered to do it on my own.